0291-2728042/43 | 8696969849 dpsjdh@gmail.com
Announcements :

Admission open for the Academic Session 2025-2026.

Special Care Unit @ DPS Pali Road, Jodhpur

Special Care Unit is a special corner of the school. Students who have difficult learning always face a challenge. In regular teaching learning process some students are identified as special students. All special-needs students are capable of success. Each will succeed according to his or her individual ability -- but all can succeed. Keep that constantly in mind when we work with special students.

At times it is difficult and, at other times, quite joyful dealing with them. Teacher always wish to help these children to reach their potential. At DPS Pali Raod, Jodhpur we have a special care unit to help and guide child as per his / her need and also to provide a comfort zone to the child to overcome his / her shortcoming and be the part of effective teaching learning process.

A teacher with special B.Ed. takes care of these special students.

Few students facing some difficulties in under standing a particular concept or language problem are also provided special care in this unit. Once the student becomes at par with class, he / she rejoins the class.