0291-2728042/43 | 8696969849 dpsjdh@gmail.com
Announcements :

Admission open for the Academic Session 2025-2026.

Music Lab @ DPS Pali Road, Jodhpur

Some times a question arises – why music and at what age?

Research shows that learning the music can help children excel in ways beyond the basic ABCs.

It has been found that learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas. “A music-rich experience for children of singing, listening and moving really brings a very serious benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning.

The effect of music education on language development can also be seen in the brain. “Recent studies have clearly indicated that musical training physically develops the part of the left side of the brain known to be involved with processing language, and can actually wire the brain’s circuits in specific ways. Linking familiar songs to new information can also help imprint information on young minds,” the group claims .This relationship between music and language development is also socially advantageous to young children."Language competence is at the root of social competence. Musical experience strengthens the capacity to be verbally competent.

A study by E. Glenn Schellen berg at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, as published in a 2004 issue of Psychological Science, found a small increase in the IQs of six-year-olds who were given weekly voice and piano lessons. The children who were given music lessons over the school year tested on average three IQ points higher than the other groups.

Research indicates the brain of a musician, even a young one, works differently than that of a non musician. “There’s some good neuroscience research that children involved in music have larger growth of neural activity than people not in music training. When you’re a musician and you’re playing an instrument, you have to be using more of your brain, ”Also it has been found that there is a causal link between music and spatial intelligence, which means that understanding music can help children visualize various elements that should go together, Understanding and realizing the need of music we here have created a well equipped music studio, where child will get the best exposure of rhymes and rhythm ,classical base for singing on tempuras, and sitar ,powerful beats on, dholoks and Tablas accompanied by modern touch of guitars and violins .

Now the question arises about the age of learning music…..

We feel once the child is around age three, it may be time for more formalized “lessons.” Again, the goal is not to learn to play an instrument but to further develop skills like identifying a beat in music, identifying melody, or identifying instruments.

By age five, most children have built a foundation that has prepared them for formalized music lessons. Even now, the goal of the lessons is not to become a great performer on the instrument but to further the understanding of music.

By age 10, the child will have a variety of skills associated with their instrument of choice. They’ll also have the physical strength to try a different, bigger instrument, such as a brass or large string instrument that requires a higher level of strength and stamina. Around this time, the goal of lessons appropriately transitions from gaining experience with music to improving performance ability.

Musical experience at an early age is extremely important in a child’s developmental process. Like riding a bike or learning a language, these skills can be learned later in life, but they will never be “natural” in the way that is so important for fluid musical performance.