0291-2728042/43 | 8696969849 dpsjdh@gmail.com
Announcements :

Admission open for the Academic Session 2025-2026.

Audio Visual Centre @ DPS Pali Road, Jodhpur

Audiovisual education or multimedia-based education (MBE) is an instruction where particular attention is paid to the audio and visual presentation of the material with the goal of improving comprehension and retention.

DPS PALI ROAD has an A.V. Room of area 1600 sq ft. Fully carpeted, which enables 150 students to avail the benefits of the latest multimedia facilities at a time. It has been designed for a very informal kind of gathering and hence is most suited for students who comfortably sit and relax. The A-V room is fitted with all essential electronic & IT gadgets like a projector of 4500 lumins, a big screen of 120 sq.ft , a DVD player, a computer system, which helps our students to watch documentaries, Projects, Presentations (created by the students and teachers). Various other workshops are also conducted and other audio-visual programs are viewed on the big screen.
