0291-2728042/43 | 8696969849 dpsjdh@gmail.com
DPS Society :

The DPS Society is a non-profit, non-proprietary educational body widely recognised for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence. Founded and managed by distinguished members and luminaries of society, culled from the various walks of life, the organization has always guided its member schools on the path of progress with their visionary approach & lofty ideas. Delhi Public Schools, with the motto "Service Before Self", have been serving the Society in the field of education for the last 65 years. There are 180 schools under its aegis, both in and outside India. The growing number of schools under this organizational umbrella has achieved the need to provide meaningful education to a large number of children desirous of growing into educated & liberated human beings.

The Society has developed with a spirit and a vision. Today it stands as a 'Citadel of Learning', and a harbinger of 'Quality Consciousness' committed to develop the minds and initiative of children. A great number of the ‘Dipsites’, have attained success and eminence, and in turn have brought glory to their alma mater by holding prominent positions not only in India but abroad too.

DPSS has always given priority to maintain quality in both academic responsibilities and accomplishments. The DPS Society, as the nation's largest collaborator of national and international educational enterprise has evolved a system of education based on both progress and partnership. This in essence is its goal, its strategy and its mission.

The involvement of the Society in universal educational enhancement and its endeavor to build a democratic, pluralistic and secular nation has made all the difference. It is no more a question of lighting a candle here or there; it is an attempt at total electrification. The whole world has begun to glow with the light of literacy radiated by the Delhi Public School Society. Guiding us in this effort of ours is Shri V.K. Shunglu - Chairman DPS Society, who is our constant beacon and source of strength.