0291-2728042/43 | 8696969849 dpsjdh@gmail.com
Announcements :

Admission open for the Academic Session 2025-2026.

Cyber Station @ DPS Pali Raod, Jodhpur

In today’s world, the dominance of technology as an integral part of everyday life is undisputed. A decade ago, more than 130 million people across the globe were already using computers and the Internet, and it is estimated that worldwide growth has since increased between 40 percent and 50 percent each year. As more and more people incorporate the use of computers into their personal and professional lives, educational institutions around the world have taken on the responsibility of preparing students for their role as productive, technologically literate citizens in the society of the future.

All students, starting at the kindergarten level have practical lessons on the computer. The aim is to ensure that by the time the child completes the primary section, they will have a working knowledge of word processing, multimedia and simple graphics. All exercises on the computer are correlated with the lessons taught in class in order to enhance the children's understanding of the various subjects.

Broadly speaking, students can learn from computers and with computers. Students learn from computers when the computer assumes the role of a tutor, with the goal of imparting and increasing basic knowledge and skills. Students learn with computers when the computer serves in the role of a facilitating tool, with the goal of developing critical thinking skills, research skills, and the creative imagination.

It is a common belief that irrespective of the careers they are given the basic knowledge about computers which helps students in the long run. As most of the programs are focused on providing some exposure and teaching information technology skills. We postulate that in addition to the above, we enable students to understand computer concepts and develop reasoning skills. These efforts will serve not only to demystify computers, but also prepare students for their future in any career.

The Education Computer Lab is a hands-on instructional lab and a student work area.