0291-2728042/43 | 8696969849 dpsjdh@gmail.com
Announcements :

Admission open for the Academic Session 2025-2026.

Colour Zone @ DPS Pali Road, Jodhpur

The primary goals of ART EDUCATION is to train student as artist .The emphasis here is to develop and enhance both the skills as well as the creativity of the student to engage with 'making' art.

Many might actually believe that in such a competitive age, art education is an unnecessary activity in school especially when there is so much money involved in getting an education. However, art education goals at the fact that there has been years of research involved in the importance of art education and what art education goals are and the studies prove that what students gain out of an art education is almost unbeatable where any other art is concerned. Art Education can help a student to gain confidence in their natural creative abilities that could lead to further emotional as well as social development and even academic achievement through an increased sense of concentration.

However what most obviously is an art education goals is the fact that a student receiving such a well rounded education as part of their curriculum would only be getting equal opportunities to take the best that they can receive out of all kinds of education so that they can decide better at a later stage what they wish to specialize in. Motivation, inspiration and concentration are some of the most prominently recorded benefits that a young student taking at education has been observed to have gained. For a young person’s personal growth and development an education in art is something that is considered to be very important as changing the way one looks at the world is one of the most important art education goals. Art education goals in school therefore is to give equal exposure of art to all the students, whatever age group, because one never knows where talent might be hidden.

Beyond the qualities of creativity, self-expression, and communication, art is a type of work. Through art, our students learn the meaning of joy of work, work done to the best of one's ability, for its own sake, for the satisfaction of a job well done. Work is one of the noblest expressions of the human spirit, and art is the visible evidence of work carried to the highest possible level. We are dedicated to the idea that art is the best way for every young person to learn the value of worked. In art classes, we make visual images, and we study images. Increasingly, these images affect our needs, our daily behavior, our hopes, our opinions, and our ultimate ideals. That is why the individual who cannot understand or read images is incompletely educated. Complete literacy includes the ability to understand, respond to, and talk about visual images. Therefore, to carry out its total mission, art education stimulates language-spoken and written-about visual images.

As art teachers we work continuously on the development of critical skills. This is our way of encouraging linguistic skills. By teaching pupils to describe, analyze, and interpret visual images, we enhance their powers of verbal expression. That is no educational frill. Art Means ' Values'. You cannot touch art without touching values: values about home and family, work and play, the individual and society, nature and the environment, war and peace, beauty and ugliness, violence and love. The great art of the past and the present deals with these durable human concerns. Make them aware about art of many lands and peoples, we expose our students to the expression of a wide range of human values and concerns. We sensitize students to the fact that values shape all human efforts, and that visual images can affect their personal value choices. All of them should be given the opportunity to see how art can express the highest aspirations of the human spirit. From that foundation we believe they will be in a better position to choose what is right and good.